Life With EFG

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Then and Now

Who wants a fun post, full of pictures, to take their minds off all the crazy stuff in the news lately? I know I do!

We’ve obviously seen how quickly life can change when big things happen. Everything seems uncertain now, and we’re not really sure what’s going to be happening in the next few months. Instead of speculating on that, I’m going to focus on how life changes slowly, over the course of a year.

Looking back, it feels short. I have no idea where the time went, and it seems like I blinked and a year has passed. My baby is not a baby anymore.

But I also remember. I remember how slow it felt at time. How I was so tired, I felt like I was dying. I couldn’t wait for things to get a bit easier, and it seemed like it was never going to happen. So I do like to reflect occasionally and see how far we’ve come. We survived two under two! We raised this baby and taught him to sleep, and kept a toddler happy, and and and.. we did it! And hopefully a year from now I’ll be able to look back and know that we survived this time too.

I’ve been swearing up and down that G doesn’t look that different than he did the last time we took bunny pictures. I could even look at the pictures from last year and I’d still stick to my story - he hasn’t changed! But if you put the pictures side by side like this… I have to admit that my baby has grown. Baby to toddler, right in front of me.

(I’m sure it’s obvious, but the yellow are from 2019, and the blue is 2020)

Here’s a fun one. Last year we were ready for snow! Which was good, because we had a lot of it. I had a snow suit for E, and another one for G. It was great, since they were able to stay warm while we went out and played in the snow.

This year, I didn’t buy new suits. There hasn’t been a lot of snow, and call me crazy, but the suits seemed like they were still big enough? Sure enough, I managed to shove both kids into their suits again. It’s not so surprising that E can still fit in a 2T, since he’s pretty short, but there was no way a one year old should fit in a 0-3 month, right?

I’m not sure what’s funnier, seeing G squeezed into his infant suit and somehow fitting… or E looking the exact same size as he did a year ago..

Also, since it was St. Patrick’s Day, I couldn’t help recreating our green picture from the year before. Last year we were staying home a lot too, since we had a new baby. It was different than this, of course. But G & E don’t need to know that.

Okay, one more for fun:

When I used to go into the office to work, Tom would send me pictures of the kids to make me happy while I was stuck at my desk. I’d often get a picture of them on the guest bed after he was done getting them dressed for the day. What used to be two tiny children lying on the bed, has quickly become two toddlers playing and causing chaos while Tom tries to get them dressed.

At least while we’re stuck at home, no one needs to get dressed anymore??

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