Life With EFG

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15 Months

Nick Names: Baby, Lovey, Smush
Height: 31.5 inches (55th percentile - seems like he’s settling into a lower percentile now)
Weight: 26 pounds, 5 oz (89th percentile)
Head: inches (th percentile)
Teeth: 7!
Words: All Done, Thank you, Apple, No, Mama, Dah Dah, Maia, Uh oh/Oh no, Whoa/Wow/Wee, Please (peas), This, Throw, Up, Help, Elmo
Favorite Things: Being around people, singing songs, any planned activity, eating, Maia, stuffed animals, bath time, Elmo

Well hello there, 15 months!

I was talking to the director of our daycare recently, and mentioned how happy G seems to be there, and in the non-infant room now. She replied “He’s just happy to be HERE,” waving her arms around “in life!” It’s pretty true. It doesn’t really matter what we’re doing or where we’re going, G is thrilled to be a part of it. The more he learns about life, the more he is enthusiastic about joining in. (Which makes all this locked at home stuff so much more sad for him…)

Enthusiastic is a great word for him. Whether it’s dancing to a song we’re playing, concentrating on a task we’ve given him, or eating the meal we just made him he’s always all in. Same goes for when he’s upset though. If he’s angry about something, he’s enthusiastically angry. There is no ambivalence when it comes to G.

Among the things he loves, are any and all stuffed animals - present him with one, and they are immediately grabbed and he squishes his face against them, while giggling. Specifically, he loves his two stuffed sheep that he sleeps with - Baa Baa and Baby Baa Baa. Every night when he’s reunited with them before bed, he grabs one in each hand, and holds them up to his ears like Princess Leia. Don’t ask me why, it’s just a thing he does. Every day. And it’s adorable.

Same thing when we put him down in his crib. One in each hand, brought up to his face, and that’s how he’ll sleep. At least I was smarter this time around, and immediately bought a backup of each of them as soon as I saw he was getting attached.

As of when I’m writing this, he’s not walking, but he is very mobile. He’ll do laps around the house, standing up and holding on the the wall for support. We have a slide, and he can climb both the ladder on his own, but also can climb the wrong way up the slide. He’s even figured out how to walk up the stairs on two feet, as long as he’s holding on to the railing. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a kid do this, that still can’t walk across a room. Tom’s pretty sure he could walk if he wanted to, he just doesn’t feel the need to. He runs around pushing a toy/walker, or crawls as fast as anyone, so why bother walking?

Talking, on the other hand, is something he can do. Just not when you ask him to. Try to get him to repeat a word, and he’ll stare at you as if he doesn’t understand what you could possibly want. It’s when you’re least expecting it, you’ll say something he finds interesting, and he’ll repeat it. Or he’ll just decide to say “apple” over and over again for fun.

In general, he’s just so much fun, and such a great addition to our family. And definitely keeping our spirits up these days!!

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