Late Night Wake Up

Don't Get too Smug

Recently we’ve been hitting our stride a bit. And I was feeling a bit confident. So I told Tom he should take a night away, and get a bit of rest. He had some vacation days he needed to use, and I was pretty sure I could survive getting the kids to and from daycare without him.

Sure it involved solo bedtime with all three, and getting them all off to school the next day, but it was feeling doable. So off Tom went.

Still Here

My goal was to write a post about how tired I am, and explain that’s why I haven’t been posting much anywhere. But I’m so tired it seems overwhelming to do this?

That’s what happens. When I’m tired, overwhelmed, or haven’t had enough down time, my creative brain goes away. I can barely think or form sentences, let alone do anything additional.

Late at Night

It's 1:15. You're supposed to be asleep but you're not because a poorly installed diaper just caused a total outfit change. I'm walking you to sleep in a dark house but you're not quite ready. Don't think I don't see you peeking at me through half open eyes to see if I'm still here. I hear your giggle too. I don't need the lights to know you're smiling at me. Maybe because there's spit up on the floor by the stairs. I should remember that before Tom wakes up tomorrow, but there's no way I'm risking setting you down right now to clean it up. It's been 4 passes around the kitchen island since your eyes have opened.

Late Night Wake Up Call

One of the random side effects/symptoms of pregnancy, is bloody noses.  Weird, right?  Of course there's a totally logical reason for it, but it's still an annoying and odd thing to have to deal with among all the other changes your body is going through.  One of the suggestions that doctors give you to deal with them, is to get a humidifier.  A humidifier also happens to be one of the only things you're able to use to treat a cold, which I came down with this past week. 

So off to the store we went last weekend to buy a cool mist humidifier.  We'll likely need one for the baby anyway, so it seemed like a smart investment.  I used it mostly at night, and it was actually working!  I think I only had one bloody nose this week (trust me, that's a huge improvement) and my cold passed pretty quickly too.  I was hooked.