Halloween costume ideas

E's First Halloween!

Just because the theme with parenting seems to be "Nothing ever goes according to plan," our Halloween plans changed last minute due to a wind storm that knocked out power across New England, and caused trick-or-treating to be postponed in a few local towns (including the one we were going to visit). 

Or another way to look at it is that our Halloween celebrations are going to be extended!  (and probably cause Thanksgiving to sneak up on us...).  So while we haven't gone trick-or-treating yet, we'll get to it soon.  

Holiday Expectations

As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I became obsessed with future holidays.  They'd be so much more fun to experience with children!  When Easter rolled around, I was so jealous of friends who had babies already.  I felt like I was missing out!  

And so I set my sights on Halloween. We'd have a baby and it would be amazing.  I couldn't wait to make it fun.  

Halloween Recap!

Halloween Recap!

So as promised, pictures and a recap from Halloween!

Any guesses what I decided to dress up as?  Maybe I should have mentioned that it would be a couple's costume :)  The answer?